# About me
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About me

Hello! This is my Gemini Pod hosted both on gemini:// and now https:// (as of 23/05/2021 thanks to DistroTube!). This is mostly a gemini first, https later site for myself. It's mostly for keeping a microlog and documenting software/music/misc. things I find!

I am currently a 3rd Year Computer Science student at The University of Stirling who is interested in all things GNU/Linux, BSD, free & open source software, black metal, left wing politics and social justice.

This site is best viewed using the Gemini protocol using a Gemini browser such as Amfora (terminal-based client), Lagrange (GUI client) or using the Geminize plugin for Firefox as some gemini features may not work on https, so it's highly recommened!

(There will be many spellings mistakes here, sorry!)
